Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Willing hands

I'm on a quick visit home (my daughter's school prom!). This week has been manic, but everything is coming together nicely and finally, this garden that's been floating around in my head for the last eight months is coming to life. Days have been long, 12-14 hours and I haven't eaten or slept enough (not much time for either!).

Lots of happy Homebase people are turning up each day and just get on and do as they are told. Their help and that from those yet to come is invaluable: all those little jobs, and some quite large hefty ones, means that Sam and the Scotscape boys and I can focus on our tasks more effectively. A different group turn up each day from various Homebase stores in the country and their team leader Spencer, who is here very day, moves them from task to task. One huge job has been painting the wood on the building - the Forth Road Bridge comes to mind here. Spencer has managed to do quite a large area every day, singing along with the radio in the process. On Monday no sooner had he arrived when I shoved a shopping list in his hand and despatched him off to get various things, ranging from sponges to buckets and lavender plants. From Homebase stores, naturally...

The roof garden has been planted and we are expecting the glass surround to come on Friday. It's still a haven of peace, far away from the madding crowd. Janet, Nick and Siobhan are cracking on with planting up. Today we planted up the first area of meadow turf which meant taking off safety boots so as not to flatten the long grass too much. Some delicious looking veg plants turned up in the afternoon which are now snug in their wooden raised beds.

The weather forecast is not looking too good for the weekend: foul weather gear is packed for my return to the show site!

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